Wednesday, September 23, 2015

speak truth.

Writing comes in many forms.

Last night I got the opportunity to take a step back from the journalistic world of writing, and be exposed to an entire different platform of writing: music.

I made the trip to Kansas City to see my favorite band, Twenty One Pilots, perform at a sold-out show. And it was the best concert I've ever been to. The best way to describe the band, though there is still debate at how exactly to identify them, would be indie pop/rap. It's not your typical rap, though; no, their lyrics are much deeper. It's kind of like spoken word.

My favorite thing about Twenty One Pilots is that they sing (or say) the words that no one is willing to speak up about. Much of their content is centered around depression, feeling stuck or hopeless. The reason why they draw an audience that is so dedicated and passionate towards them, is because of their sincerity and realness. People appreciate truthfulness. People appreciate others speaking when they feel they have to be mute.

Like I said, it was a sold-out show. Twenty One Pilots delivered their content and put on an incredible, intimate show. One of the best parts was how engaged the crowd was the entire time.

As a journalist, a writer and a lover of music, I strive to be like Twenty One Pilots. I hope to speak truth, connect with others around me and tell the stories of those who are feeling the weight of silence.

Twenty One Pilots has made a huge impact on me, and that's one person's thoughts going from his mind to words.

"Thank you for choosing our music to get from one place to the next."

The power of words; they can really take you places.

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